Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Alternative Jobs for Lawyers

 Have you ever think about career change within the field of law? , The first step can be a little hard and stressful.

Here are a few tips that might be helpful on how to make your legal job search easier. 

  • Check your Network -  Law schools are resources and referrals in getting you a job. 
  • Skills and Passion - Determine and combine your profound passion and skills to merge them can help you find a job. 
  • Be Analytical Minded - Some jobs that you might not have considered, do your job search apply to a company that you want to work in a legal department.

Alternative jobs for a lawyer

  • Consultant - As an Investment consultant, its primary role is to help the company and individual strategize and develop their financial investment.
  • Realtor -  Realtors a licensed salesperson, It's role is to guide their clients in the buying and transaction process. They serve as the representative to communicate between the seller and the buyer.
  • Investigator - This duty requires analytical skills to solve a couple of cases.  Its role is to collect evidence,  information. They are mostly responsible for speaking to the witness, people involved and arresting criminals.
  • Mediator - The responsibility as a mediator is to provide two parties on some agreement between their conflicts thru facilitating their communication and questioned answers. 
  • Financial Analyst - Its job is to identify the latest trends in the finances. They work with the company management, advise on how to recover from the financial problems.
  • Fund Manager - Its role is to manage and oversees the company funds and present a financial strategy when it comes to stocks, bonds, and funds.
  • Paralegal - Performs various legal works in research or, as an investigator, you cannot represent your client in the court.
  • Chief Executive Officer - As a high-ranking position in the company, The CEO is the decision-maker the person is responsible for communicating for the company. 
  • Private Equity Associate - They work in investment banking include monitoring, fundraising, monitoring portfolio company, reviewing contracts, and memorandum.
  • Labor Relations Specialist -   This type of job is responsible for making sure that the labor programs if implemented in the company, go thru with the employees' contract.

There are other types of legal jobs that you can consider, with your skills as a lawyer. Knowing your option will be easier for you to find an alternative career to consider.  

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Advantage Working With Legal Staffing Agency

Legal Staffing Agency plays a vital role in the legal department. They provide services that match the candidate with a job suitable to their skills and knowledge, considering how hard to find the right person Legal Staffing Agency can quickly assess you for contract and temporary legal positions.  

Advantages of working with legal staffing

  1. Legal Staffing agency works with the law firms and corporate legal department team or practice leaders, and administrative and Human Resources professionals. Together they set goals base on characteristics, religion, and culture to find a legal job that suits you.
  2. The staffing agency has access to opportunities for you. They have job  listing exclusively published for them. 
  3. Because the agency works closely with the law firm and corporate leaders, we can gather inquiries and information discreetly without revealing your identity.
  4. Legal Staffing Agency focuses on your practice with constant research and evaluation working together. You can get a job that suits your practice.
  5. Agency provides career coaching for you to succeed and prepare you for new challenges ahead.

In the legal industry where the competition is very high, and people are getting acquainted with one another. The chance of getting you a job that would fit your skills maybe too, chances are you are either you are getting your job that pays low, or you will have a job that does not suit your standards. Securing a legal job may be very hard. With the help of a legal staffing agency, they will be able to guide you from the application, evaluation, and hiring process. Whether it is a temporary or a regular job, The legal staffing agency is here to assist you.